
49名9 ~ 11.5岁青春前期女童钙吸收率研究

罗晓林 肖新才 1 赖晓华 2 冯翔 苏宜香 3
中山大学公共卫生学院营养系,广州 510080

摘要:目的 研究中国青春前期女童钙代谢状况,了解中国青春 前期女童钙吸收率和影响钙吸收率的因素。
选择 49 名处于生长突增期、未月经初潮的青春前期女童,采用经典钙代谢实验方法,在 600 ~ 1500mg/d 范围内设计 4 个不同的钙摄入剂量组,观察研究对象的钙代谢状况。结果 在 600 ~ 1500mg/d 钙摄入量范围内,各组对象钙表观钙吸收率未发现差别,平均吸收率为 (53 ± 0 . 12)%( 范围 52% ~ 55%) 。膳食蛋白质水平与钙吸收率、粪钙量无相关关系,尿钙与膳食磷含量、蛋白质含量显著负相关 (P<0 . 01) 。
中国青春前期女童钙的表观吸收率为 53 %;高膳食蛋白质能增加尿钙的排出。

关键词:钙 吸收率 青春期 女童

中图分类号: R153  1 文献标识码: A

Study on calcium absorption rate in premenarche Chinese girls aged 9-11 . 5 years

Luo Xiao - lin , Xiao Xin - cai ,Lai Xiao - hua , Feng Xiang, et al.

Faculty of Nutrition, School of Public Health, SunYat  sen University, Guangzhou 510080, China

Abstract : Objective\ To investigate the characteristics of calcium metabolism in relation to different levels of dietary calcium intakes in premenarche Chinese girls. Methods Forty - nine healthy premenarche girls of Han ethic (9-11 . 5 years) were recruited, and divided into four groups respectively, receiving four differe nt doses of calcium intakes for 6 days, 600 mg (usual diet), 900 mg (containing 250ml of milk), 1200 mg (containing 250ml of milk and 750 mg of calcium carbonate) and 1500mg calcium (250ml of milk and 1500 mg of calcium carbonate) per day. A 3  day urine and stool, and a 3  d duplicated food samples were collected to assess the calcium excretion in urine and feces and input of the dietary calcium during the treatment period. Results There were no significant differences in appearance calcium absorption among the four groups (55%, 53%, 52% and 52%). Urine calcium is correlated negatively with dietary protein and dietary phosphorus. And no correlation was found between dietary protein and calcium absorption. Conclusion The appearance calcium absorption was (53 ± 0 . 12)% in Chinese premenarche girls with dietary calcium intakes ranged between 800 to 1600 mg/d, high dietary protein intakes increase urine calcium secrete.
Key words:calcium, absorption, adolescent, female


姜玲 翟成凯 1 刘洋 左辉 郭宝福 刘昊 陈学芬
东南大学公共卫生学院,南京 210009

摘要:目的 了解中老年人三种常见慢性病 ( 高脂血症、高血压、糖尿病 ) 的患病状况,探明这些疾病的主要危险因素,找出社区慢病防治途径和方法。
方法 对随机抽取的 2120 名 45 岁以上的中老年居民进行体格检查和问卷调查。采用 1 ∶ 1 配对病例对照研究,对 19 个因素进行单因素非条件 Logistic 回归分析和多因素非条件 Logistic 回归分析筛选出有意义的因素。结果 高脂血症、高血压和糖尿病的检出率经标化后分别是 50 . 12% 、 44 . 26% 和 8 . 74% ,与高脂血症相关的因素有 7 个,其中主要因素有人均月收入、体质指数 (BMI) 分级、腹型肥胖和粗粮摄入;与高血压相关的因素有 11 个,其中主要因素有年龄、吸烟、紧张程度、 BMI 分级和腹型肥胖;与糖尿病密切相关的因素有 5 个:家族史、 BMI 分级、腹型肥胖、粗粮摄入和体育锻炼。

关键词:慢性病 影响因素 中老年人 中图分类号: R589 R592 文献标识码: A

Investigation on prevalence and influencing factors of three chronic diseases

in elderly adults

Jiang Ling, Zhai Cheng - kai, Liu Yang, Zuo Hui, et al.

School of Public Health , Southeast University , Nanjing 210009, China

Abstract : Objective To find out the prevalence of hyperlipemia, hypertension and diabetes, and explore the primary influence factors. Methods The survey consists of questionnaire and health examination on 2120 elderly adults aged above 45 year old. The possible influence factors and the primary factors in 19 factors were analyzed and screened by case - control study and logistic regression analysis. Results This investigation showed that the prevalence rates of hyperlipemia, hypertension, and diabetes were 50 . 12%,44 . 26% and 8 . 74% respectively. For hyperlipemia: monthly income, BMI, WHR, coarse food grain were primary factors. For hypertension: age, smoke, intensity, BMI, WHR were primary factors. For diabetes: family history of disease, BMI,WHR, coarse food grain, exercises were primary factors. Conclusion The risk factors of the three chronic diseases were obesity and unhealthy life styles, and the protective factors were coarse food grian and exercises. It's important to decrease prevalence of chronic diseases in community by controlling these risk factors. Key words:chronic diseases, influence factor, elderly adults

基金项目:江苏省卫生厅预防医学基金项目 (No.Y2002037) ;达能膳食营养研究与宣教基金项目 (No.DIC2003  10)
1 通讯作者:翟成凯,男,教授


石劢 综述 徐贵发 审校
山东大学公共卫生学院营养与食品卫生研究所,济南 250012


关键词:抗性淀粉 膳食纤维 膳食摄入量

中图分类号: R151  2 文献标识码: A

Advances on the determination of resistant starch

Shi Mai , Xu Gui - fa

Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, School of Public Health, Shandong University , Jinan 250012, China

Abstract : The present situation and prospect of studies on resistant starch home and abroad are introduced briefly and systemically. The determination of resistant starch should reflect the real condition in humans. The optimal method in vitro may be chosen by comparing the data from the ileac effluence using ileostomy. The intention is to measure the content of resistant starch in familiar food and supply the base for the dietary intake of resistant starch in humans.

Key words:resistant starch , dietary fiber , dietary intake